Saturday, May 20, 2006

Oppie's Day

Yesterday I took this photograph of the Zelot's from TFP.ORG protesting The DaVinci Code. When I got the chance to speak to one of the protester's to inquire why they where protesting the Movie and if she had even read the book, which she had not as well as the majority of those protesting this movie, which does not surprise me. I was informed that they wanted the book burned, ok first this one and which one do we burn next? If this is allowed where does it stop, do you want to burn the Koran because it doesn't agree to your religious preference. It seems that blind faith and ignorance still goes a long way in our world today as it has done for the last 2000 years. To oppose something, you really should understand what you are in opposition of, read the book and understand that it is a fictious book, but it does have some true fact's woven into it. If you blindly listen to those in charge you will eventually lose the fight because your leaders are telling you THEIR TRUTH not THE TRUTH. I think if Jesus was walking the Earth today he would be terribly saddened to see His church in the state it's in. I am glad we still live in a country that allows you to make up your own mind, please do so yourself and don't let others do it for you.
I myself hope the movie is as good as the book was, it was a very interesting story. So thank you Ron Howard for being brave enough to make the film and thank you Dan Brown for such a interesting and thought provoking book to read.